Article ID: 000076283 Content Type: Error Messages Last Reviewed: 02/11/2023

ERROR - Package <device>: The Capacitance Matrix has off-diagonal element <x> at row <y> col <z> which is positive


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    You might see this error when using the latest IBISCHK6 tool, due to a known issue with v5.0 .ibs files generated for Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Stratix® 10 devices by the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software version 17.0 or later. 

    This error is seen because the Maxwell capacitance Kij (i/=j) values in the Capacitance Matrix of the Package Model are positive, which do not comply with specification.

    Specific examples of the error message are as follows:

    ERROR - Package 10ax115_f11520: The Capacitance Matrix has off-diagonal element 3.000000e-016 at row AK11 col AJ10  which is positive

    ERROR - Package 1sg280h_f17600: The Capacitance Matrix has off-diagonal element 1.000000e-016 at row K30 col N30  which is positive


    This problem is scheduled to be fixed in a future release of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Software.

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