Article ID: 000074363 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 03/13/2018

Incorrect Programming File Compatibility for EPCS and EPCQ to EPCQA Devices in AN 822: Intel Configuration Device Migration Guideline


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Critical Issue


    Issue 522006, 522405 : Chapter Software Migration Guidelines, section Programming File Compatibility, version 2018.01.11

    The compatibility information in “Table 3: Programming File Compatibility for EPCS and EPCQ to EPCQA Devices” was preliminary and incorrect.


    Tthe following table shows the updated Programming File Compatibility for EPCS and EPCQ to EPCQA devices:

    FPGA Device FamilyOriginal Configuration
    Device Density
    Programming Files supportedDisable EPCS/EPCQ ID check SettingCompatible
    with EPCQA (1)(2)
    Legacy FPGA devices
    (Other devices than Cyclone® V, Arria® V or Stratix® V devices)
    EPCS64Mb & below.pof/.jic/.rpd/.jam/.jbcAnyYes
    .svfAnyYes (8)
    128Mb.pof/.jic/.rpdAnyYes (3)
    .svfAnyYes (8)
    .jam/.jbcAnyNo (4)
    EPCQAny.pof/.jic/.rpd/.jam/.jbcOn (5)Yes
    .svfOn (5)Yes (8)
    Cyclone® V, Arria® V or Stratix® V devicesEPCS64Mb & below.pof/.jic/.rpd/.jam/.jbcOn (6)Yes
    .svfOn (6)Yes (8)
    128Mb.pof/.jic/.rpdOn (6)Yes (3)
    .svfOn (6)Yes (8)
    .jam/.jbcAnyNo (4)
    EPCQ (7)AnyAnyAnyNo



    Note 1 : This table assumes other compatibility considerations are satisfied

    Note 2 : This table assumes the programming files do not contain any ASMI Parallel IP or Serial Flash Loader IP

    Note 3 : In .rpd file, the binary data is the same between EPCS128 and EPCQ128A.  But due to different sector size, a proper erasing procedure is required when programming each device.

    Note 4 : Due to different sector size, the .jam/.jbc file is different between EPCS and EPCQ.

    Note 5 : Quartus II version 15.1 or later, automatic mode turns on this option automatically 

    Note 6 : Other than Quartus II version 13.0 to 15.0, automatic mode turns on this option automatically

    Note 7 :  EPCQ programming files are not compatible with EPCQ-A in AS x1 or AS x4 modes

    Note 8 : Only supported for svf files generated for EPCS devices that program an EPCQ-A, but not the other way around

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    Intel® FPGA Configuration Device EPCS
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    Intel® FPGA Configuration Devices