Article ID: 000074773 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 06/20/2016

Missing SignalTap II Generation File in JESD204B IP Core Nios II Processor Control Unit Design Example


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

    Critical Issue


    The Nios II Processor Control Unit design example does not generate the required XML file in the debug STP directory (<example_design_directory>/ed_nios/jesd204b_ed_qsys/altera_jesd204_tx_mlpcs_160/synth/debug/stp). Both the TCL and XML files are required for SignalTap (STP) file generation but the debug STP directory contains only the build_stp.tcl file.

    The RTL State Machine Control Unit design example and standalone JESD204B IP core generation are not impacted.


    Generate a standalone JESD204B IP core with the following parameter settings:

    Wrapper Options: Both Base and Phy

    Data Path: Duplex

    The debug STP directory of the IP core you generate should include both the build_stp.tcl and jesd204b_base_phy_duplex.xml files.

    You can also refer to the steps outlined in the JESD204B IP Core User Guide, "Creating a SignalTap II Debug File to Match Your Design Hierarchy" topic. When generating the STP file in the design example debug STP directory, point the XML file input switch -xml_file to your standalone JESD204B IP core debug STP directory (<ip_variant_name>/altera_jesd204_tx_mlpcs_160/synth/debug/stp/jesd204b_base_phy_duplex.xml).

    This issue will be fixed in a future release.

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