Article ID: 000077872 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

Why do I get a "Device Programming Failure" error when programming devices using the stand-alone DOS Jam STAPL Player with the ByteBlaster® II download cable but not when using the Quartus® II Programmer?


Description The stand-alone DOS based Jam Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL) player is not compatible with Byteblaster II download cables.   The driver in the stand-alone DOS Jam STAPL player is designed only to work with ByteblasterMVTM download cables. Try using the ByteBlasterMV download cable if you have this problem when using the stand-alone Jam STAPL Player.

In a future version of the Quartus II software, a stand-alone Jam STAPL Player executable will be installed that can run on DOS and supports all Quartus II supported download cables including the USBblaster download cable.

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