Article ID: 000081611 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 09/11/2012

Why does my Nios II design, containing a DMA, stop working in version 1.1 of the Development Kit?


Description For the DMA peripheral, the Nios II 1.1 software is not compatible with Nios II 1.0/1.01 hardware. You must regenerate the system to get the new DMA peripheral included. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open your design in Quartus II
  2. Open SOPC Builder from the Tools menu
  3. Click Generate in SOPC Builder
  4. Compile the new design in Quartus II
  5. Program the target device with the new programming file containing the updated DMA hardware

You should now be able to run Nios II 1.1 software which interfaces to the DMA peripheral.

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