Article ID: 000080213 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 11/09/2011

Erroneous File Names in CPRI 10.1 Testbench Description in CPRI MegaCore Function User Guide


  • Quartus® II Subscription Edition

    Critical Issue


    In the Testbenches chapter of the CPRI MegaCore Function User Guide, in the instructions to prepare to simulate Verilog HDL files with ModelSim SE, some filename suffixes are wrong. However, note that the erratum Cannot Simulate CPRI MegaCore Function in Verilog HDL supersedes this issue.

    This issue affects testbenches simulated in Verilog HDL with ModelSim SE.

    This issue has no design impact. It affects only the testbenches simulated in Verilog HDL with ModelSim SE.


    To fix this issue, in the user guide instructions to prepare to simulate Verilog HDL files with ModelSim SE, follow these steps.

    • Replace all instances of cpri_top_level.v with cpri_top_level.vo.
    • Replace all instances of tb_altera_cpri[_<variation>].v with tb_altera_cpri[_<variation>].vhd.

    However, note that the erratum Cannot Simulate CPRI MegaCore Function in Verilog HDL supersedes this issue.

    This issue is fixed in version 11.0 of the CPRI MegaCore Function User Guide.

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